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Author: Admin Sidenor

Home > Articles posted by Admin Sidenor (Page 7)

The COGNITWIN (Cognitive digital Twin) project mainly aims at adding the cognitive component to process control systems, thus enabling them to self-organise and provide solutions in case of unexpected behaviours. In order to reach the project’s objectives, a consortium has been set up, which includes six industrial partners (from the steel, aluminium, silicon and engineering...

Nowadays, the manufacturing industry is facing various challenges, such as the lack of resources (raw materials, energy) and the increase in prices, as well as environmental constraints. Dependencies regarding the supply of raw materials as well as the pressure to generate high-quality products at the lowest costs possible make it more difficult for manufacturers...

The European process industries use large quantities of energy and resources while raw material recycling and energy consumption optimisation, in the particular case of metal production facilities, are nowadays increasingly complex, mainly due to the increasing variability in raw materials for energy and materials. In order to meet this challenge, metal production facilities need...

The HYPERCOG project (HYPERCONNECTED ARCHITECTURE FOR HIGH COGNITIVE PRODUCTION PLANTS) aims at highlighting the potential of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and data analysis in the transformation of processes and business models, showing the potential of these technologies in the value chain and assessing their replicability and transferability to various industrial sectors. This project is supported by...

The investments would enable the company to develop innovative products, increase the digitisation of its processes and strengthen its competitiveness Climate action: the company will be able to produce more sustainable steels and reduce energy consumption Today, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has taken a new step in the support of innovation...

The digitisation of the purchasing function is the path to follow for companies which seek to be competitive in a global market, increase management efficiency and obtain better results. As part of Sidenor’s digital transformation process, the Purchase Department has selected a Fullstep for the implementation of a global solution aiming at improving the efficiency...

The 14th Non-destructive Testing National Congress took place on June 12th- 14th in the Europa Congress Palace of Vitoria. 76 presentations were held on the implementation and development of monitoring and process control methods by means of non-destructive techniques in various areas such as the aerospace, energy, railway and nuclear sectors, as well as...

Innovation is one of Sidenor’s best allies, as well as one of the strategic axes of our activity. It has turned us into a group of reference in the steel sector. Innovation drives our continuous improvement and has led us not only to become pioneers in our products and services, but also to increase our...

Sidenor has participated in the MAGFORUM conferences, organised by Informed in Bilbao on May 13-15th. With over 200 representatives from 30 countries, Magforum is a discussion forum on the development, process, logistics and market application of magnesium minerals as a basis for the manufacturing of refractories. Our colleagues Aintzane Soto and David Maza from Sidenor...