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Sustainable Steel

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Sustainable Steel

Steel is an essential material for our style of life. It is present in many consumption goods – if not directly, then it appears as the main element in the industrial processes that are necessary to produce these.
One of its main features is that it is 100% recyclable. After introducing scrap in the melting process, we obtain the same material, once and again, without any quality loss.
At Sidenor, as a result of our commitment to sustainability, we implement a life cycle analysis perspective in order to reduce the environmental footprint of our products. In addition, we provide our customers with the possibility to acquire carbon-neutral steels.

Neutral Steel


Strong COMMITMENT to SUSTAINABILITY shared at all organization levels.


PLANNING: Measurement of all environmental impacts and calculation of the environmental footprint of all products. Analysis of results and definition of action plans.


EXECUTION: Focus on REDUCING the impact of our processes and products.


We offer our customers the possibility to OFFSET the emissions which we cannot eliminate.


We commit to having our offset process VERIFIED by a third party.


PROXIMITY AND TRANSPARENCY with customers who wish to accompany us on our path towards sustainability.

Product Environmental Footprint Calculation and Scope

“Since 2018, Sidenor has been evaluating the life cycle of its products according to ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standard requirements.
In 2019, Sidenor received the ISO 14025 standard certification for its internal management system, according to the requirements of the DAP International System Product Category Rules “Basic iron or steel products & special steels, except construction products”.

We are able to measure the environmental performance of each material, process step and product, both core and upstream.

First company to certify its EPD calculation tool

Since 2017

We calculate the environmental footprint of our products - cradle to gate

Neutral steel

EPD Process Certification – Product Carbon Footprint (ISO 14067)