Our climate change and circular economy objectives are the following:
The reduction of our carbon footprint is one of the main challenges that we are facing from a social and company point of view. Over the next years, the environmental behaviour of our products will be a key competitiveness factor to meet the requirements of our customers and financial markets.
Steel can be recycled indefinitely, and returns to the process as our main raw material, scrap. At Sidenor, we will approach circular economy from various work areas (product ecodesign, efficient resource use, etc.). We have selected the annual percentage of recovered waste as a key indicator of our circular economy strategy.
Sidenor adheres to the commitment of answering one of the main concerns of our closest surroundings: landfill waste reduction. We will work on strategies aiming at reducing waste generation, increasing its reuse, ensuring the quality of our by-products and, ultimately, identifying recovery opportunities for the waste intended for landfill.
At Sidenor, we work on ecodesign, from the product definition phase, evaluating the product environmental footprint in each phase of its life cycle, in order to try to reduce it to a minimum, without undermining its quality and applications.
In the following, we further develop our areas of endeavour: