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We provide you relevant documentation and information to our suppliers and customers.

Semi Finished Products

Improving the isotropy of steels for automotive components subjected to multiaxial loadings

44SMn28HP High performance free cutting steel

Innovative isotropic steel solutions for high performance gears

Sidenor’s answer to API20E new technical requirements

European RFCS Programme


Facing the Future. Industry 4.0

Semi Finished Products

Mix Steel

New developments for shock absorber rods

ACERIUM Steel: Steel for large Carburized Gears

Forging innovative steels for upcoming automotive demands

Development of steel intended for the manufacture of a direct use steering worm

CETIM: Structural Homogeneity

ISOCEM® New Generation of Case Hardening Steels

Steels for Cold Formed Parts without Heat Treatment

Sidenor 4.0 Digital Strategy

HORUS Project

Clean Steels: Sidenor is committed to a multitask strategy to tackle steel cleanliness.

Ultralight Leaf Springs for Upcoming Front Truck Suspensions

Expanding borders of diesel engine pistons

Sidenor and the Oil&Gas market

Sidenor participates in the BIND 4.0 project

Expertise in leaf spring steels

Expertise in Leaf Spring Steels

Innovative Steels for Automotive Components

Innovative Steels for Automotive Components

Proyecto ISOVAL

Nuevas vías de reciclaje en la siderurgia

Infografia SteelSafetyDay

Happy SteelSafety Day!

Infografia del día del medio ambiente

Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

Conoce nuestros avances en Investigación y Desarrollo en Aceros Especiales