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Author: Admin Sidenor

Home > Articles posted by Admin Sidenor (Page 12)

Sidenor participates in Steel Day 4.0 Iñigo Legua, Sidenor's CIO, honoured in April as CIO of the year for his professional career and his contribution to the digital transformation of companies, is today one of the speakers at Steel Day 4.0, organised by the Spanish Technological Steel Platform (Platea). In his lecture, under the title "Sidenor...

The meeting which took place on April 24th in the European Parliament, Brussels, is essential for the future of the European research projects of the 9th Framework Programme (FP9), which will substitute the current Horizon 2020 programme from 2021 onwards. Félix Bayon, Business Development and Innovation of Sidenor Aceros Especiales S.L.U., represented the interests of...

Sidenor Aceros Especiales S.L.U. has obtained the Energy Management System Certification ISO 50001. ISO 50001 is a voluntary international standard which aims at harmonising requirements related to the implementation of energy management systems in organizations. The final objective is to reduce consumption and costs associated to different energy uses and, thus, also, greenhouse gas emissions,...

At the end of World War II, steel was the strongest and most important industry However, it has undergone continued restructuring over the last 60 years, which has reduced its leading economic role and made it less important for the economy of countries such as, for example, the United States. Immediately after the war, global demand...

Sidenor Group’s management and the unions: CC.OO., UGT, USO, CSI-F and ESK have signed the agreement, which contemplates a series of measures aiming at improving labour and family conciliation The plan contains seven key objectives: selection and incorporation, professional development and promotion, training, life-work balance, occupational health, communication and awareness. The plan establishes working hours that...

Since its launch only a few months ago, the new rolling mill has complied with Sidenor’s high expectations, both at productivity and product quality level. What is the key to success, how could an important investment comply with the expected results in such a short time? Sidenor has had a clear idea from the beginning: the...

Sidenor joined the “Circular Basque initiative” at the beginning of the year “Circular Basque” is a network of organisations committed to promoting and implanting circular economy in the Basque Country, as well as a place of publication for the initiatives that are being carried out in this field and the most relevant news. “Circular Basque” is...

Sidenor, a leading manufacturer of special steel, will introduce its range of products at the Wire 2018 fair, which will take place in the German city of Düsseldorf between April 16 and 20 Coinciding with the event, a microsite exclusively dedicated to the fair has been launched: This webpage will provide information on the group,...