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Author: Admin Sidenor

Home > Articles posted by Admin Sidenor (Page 14)

The research performed within the framework of the project focuses on the development of numerical models which enable to estimate the behaviour of steel in the main machining operations The final Workshop of the European project, named “IMMAC: Innovative Method dedicated to the development of a ferrite-pearlite grade regarding its MAChinability” and organised within the...

Although the European Union is the second biggest steel producer worldwide, it has been facing various threats for years: a major loss in production capacity compared with the rest of the world and, above all, with China, the need to be more and more cost competitive in order to ensure the viability of the...

The managing director of Sidenor, José Antonio Jainaga, signed a transfer of participations agreement on November 9th. According to this agreement, SODERCAN will adquire 24.9% of the equity capital of the new Company, SIDENOR Forgings & Castings S.L. This agreement aims at ensuring employment stability and the necessary investments for the modernisation of technology and...

Sidenor participated in the 11th Congrés Català del Decolletatge i la Mecanització (DecoMeeting 2017), which took place on Friday, October 20th, at the Montanyà Hotel & Lodge de Seva (Barcelona). DecoMeeting is organised by Adecat (Association of Catalan of enterprises dealing with turned parts) and is one of the most renowned events in the sector...

Sidenor I+D participates in an European project to develop a new laser-based surface methodology to improve fatigue strength of crankshafts in automotive industry STIFFCRANK has a budget of 1,7M€ and will last 3 and a half years. The project has received funding from the European Commission, through the Research Fund for Coal and Steel. ...

Sidenor participates in the Seminar on “Key Technology and Refractory Applications" Sidenor participates in the next European Seminar on Refractories, which is held in Höhr-Grenzhausen (Germany) from September 5th to 7th, 2017 and organised by the ECREF (European Centre for Refractories). Topics related to the scientific basis of refractory materials and their various applications for the...

Sidenor will take part of 20th International Forgemasters Meeting from September 11th to 14th Sidenor will give a conference at the IFM 2017, which will take place in the Austrian city of Graz from September 11th to 14th. The “International Forgemasters Meeting” is an international congress; it takes place every three or four years and welcomes...