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Author: Admin Sidenor

Home > Articles posted by Admin Sidenor (Page 10)

The revamping of Sidenor’s new rolling mill aim at ensuring the effectiveness of rolling processes, increasing their control, quality and stability, while keeping the door open to future productivity increases. For this purpose, and based on an improved cross-section of the billet (240x240) as well as the removal of the previous, obsolete roll stands, we...

In a business such as ours, where our special steels are mainly intended for demanding sectors such as the car industry, ensuring a perfect product traceability has become not only a requirement, but also an inner principle by means of which we know exactly where and when each of our references are at the...

Sidenor will participate in the “Clean Steel 2018” conference, which will take place in Budapest (Hungary) on September 18 – 20, 2018 This 10th edition is organised by the Hungarian Mining and Metallurgical Society and is becoming, year after year, a reference event for all those involved in steel production by means of inclusions which...

After various cyberattacks in some big companies in 2017, more and more information systems departments undertake actions so as to minimise risks and prevent all kinds of cyberattacks. Accordingly, Sidenor’s IT Department has developed an ambitious cybersecurity plan which covers various lines of work: Review of the securitization process of the entire computer equipment Update...

Funded by the European Union’s LIFE programme, the 5RefrACT project (SYSTEMATIC AND INTEGRAL VALORIZATION OF REFRACTORIES UNDER THE "5R" APPROACH), led by SIDENOR, was launched on July 1st. The 5RefrACT project mainly aims at extending the “4R” paradigm up to “5R” (reduce – reuse – remanufacture – recycle – re-educate) and applying it to the...

Sidenor Forgings & Castings at the SMM Fair in Hamburg Sidenor Forgings & Castings will take part in the major international trade fair of the maritime industry, the SMM in Hamburg, where over 50,000 visitors are expected. From 4 - 7 September, and under the motto "Trends in SMMart Shipping", over 2,200 exhibitors from 66 countries...

Steel industry requirements with regard to mechanical properties are each day more demanding, so as to be in line with cost improvement and energy consumption as well as environmental regulations that are becoming more and more restrictive Among the most damaging elements regarding steel features such as resistance, impact, forging capacity and, mainly, fatigue life,...

Supported by the Framework Programme HORIZON 2020 and as part of the call for proposals on Industrial Sustainability, the BAMBOO project (Boosting new Approaches for flexibility Management By Optimizing process Off-gases and waste use) has just been approved. SIDENOR participates in this project as a “partner”. The BAMBOO project aims at demonstrating innovative technologies for...

SIDENOR I+D, in collaboration with TECNALIA and UPV-EHU, has participated in the project ABADE (Low Density Steels), funded by the ELKARTEK Research Programme of the Basque Government ABADE project investigates new grades of low density steels for forged components. Low density steels are Fe-C-Mn-Al alloys, with a microstructure either ferritic, or austenitic, or duplex, that...