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Author: Admin Sidenor

Home > Articles posted by Admin Sidenor (Page 17)

Sidenor will start a first investment phase of 35 million euros in the factory of Basauri, in the steelworks facilities, rolling mil and reheating furnaces for billets. Basque companies are among the providers. The equipment procurement and delivery will be performed over the coming months and the new installations should be put into service in...

The STARTInnova project started in October its fourth edition as an entrepreneurship and innovation training program. The project already includes 32 educational centres and 160 student working groups, under the sponsorship of 32 companies in Cantabria. StartInnova has created a platform aiming at helping students design enterprising ideas based on the Canvas method and the...

Sidenor has been awarded the European Environmental Prize, Spanish section, by the  Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. In the category of “Process towards Sustainable Development”, Sidenor has been recognized for its innovative initiative of developing an ambitious optimization project for the recycling of refractory waste and the reduced use of critical materials, in...