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Home > News  > World Environment Day

A day for you to appropriate the nature around you and to actively participate in protecting the Earth.

Without plastic pollutionis the topic of the World Environment Day 2018, a global event led by UNO Environment,the leading environmental authority worldwide, which has been celebrated in more than 100 countries each June 5th since 1974.This year’s event, based in India,is a call for action so that we may face together one of the major environmental challenges: reducing the heavy strain of plastic pollution on nature, wildlife and our own health.


Single-use plastic consumption represents a serious threat, not only to oceans, ecosystems and marine fauna, but also to human health, due to the risk that it may affect the food chain.  Sidenor is committed to the environment and contributed in 2017 to the recyclingof 66 tonnesof plastic waste.

Remember, you can help us turn our planet into a more livable place.