SIDENOR R&D has submitted a total of 25 proposals within the framework of the RFCS
SIDENOR R&D has submitted a total of 25 proposals for the European Coal and Steel Research Programme (RFCS) 2017 call, out of which 19 are linked to the process area and 6 to the product area.
These 25 proposals encompass the participation of 74 different European partners in the field of universities, technology centres and steel companies, with an average of close to 6 partners per proposal.
The overall budget of the 25 proposals amounts to EUR 44.5 million (average of EUR 1.8 million per proposal), out of which EUR 7.6 million correspond to Sidenor R&D (17%), and for which a EUR 4.6 million financing is requested.
One year more, Sidenor R&D continues its leadership in this European research programme especially intended for the coal and steel industry, whose resolution on financial support will be known at the beginning of 2018.