Sidenor 2021 Sustainability Report. Non-financial information statement

120 Sustainability Report 2021 | Annex CORRUPTION AND BRIBERY Measures taken to prevent corruption and bribery. (Chapter 1: About us); GRI 103 Management approach for Non-discrimina- tion, GRI 102-16, 102-17, 205-2, 205-3 Measures against money laundering. (Chapter 1: About us); GRI 205-2. Contributions to foundations and non-profit entities. (Chapter 5: Commitment to the society); GRI 413-1. SOCIETY Company commitments to sustainable development Impact of the company’s activity on local employment and development. (Chapter 5: Commitment to the society); GRI 103 Management approach for Local communities and Indirect economic impacts, GRI 413-1. Impact of the company’s activity on local populations and in the region. (Chapter 5: Commitment to the society); GRI 413-1. Relations with local community actors and modalities of the dialogue with them. (Chapter 5: Commitment to the society); GRI 102-43. Partnership or sponsorship actions. (Chapter 5: Commitment to the society); GRI 102-12, 102-13. Subcontracting and suppliers Inclusion of social, gender equality and environmental issues in purchasing policy. Consideration, within the framework of relations with suppliers and sub- contractors, of their social and environmental responsibility. (Chapter 5: Commitment to the society); GRI 102-9, 103 Management approach for Procu- rement practices, 204-1, 308-1, 414-1. Monitoring and audit systems and their results. (Chapter 5: Commitment to the society); GRI 103 Management approach for Procurement practices. Consumers Measures in favour of consumer health and safety. (Chapter 2: Good governance, ethics and transparency); GRI 103 Management approach for Consumers. Grievance systems, complaints received and resolution thereof. (Chapter 2: Good governance, ethics and transparency); GRI 103 Management approach for Consumers. Tax information Benefits obtained country by country. (Chapter 1: About us); GRI 103 Management approach for Economic performance. Profit taxes paid. (Chapter 1: About us); GRI 103 Management approach for Economic performance. Public subsidies received. (Chapter 1: About us); GRI 201-4. Contents Chapter Areas Contents Chapter The 2018 version of the following indicators: “GRI 403 Occupational Health and Safety” and “GRI 303 Water and Effluents” was taken as a reference. The 2016 version was used for the remaining indicators.